Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information Socioeconomic Indicators
Irrigation Benefit-Cost Ratio
It is the ratio of benefit obtained (in monetary form) from unit land to the cost of
production for that land. That is
r B C =
r B-C =
benefit-cost ratio
total monetary benefit or income obtained from one hectare land, US$
cost of production for that land, US$
For multiple crops or yearly calculation, different crops should be converted to the
equivalent of a particular crop.
Cost per Unit Production
It is the cost of production for unit yield. Yield may be total harvestable yield (e.g.,
forage, grass), or grain, or seed yield (for cereals). Its unit is $/ton.
Irrigation Cost per Unit Area
It is the cost of irrigation for unit area for successful crop production. That is
Cost per unit area, $
ha = (cost of irrigation for certain area, in$)
(quantity of the irrigated area, ha)
Farmer's Income Ratio
It is the ratio of income of a farmer before irrigation scheme initiation to the
income of the same farmer after the irrigation scheme has been established. For
this, benchmark income is necessary.
4.2.5 Performance Evaluation Procedure Steps and Techniques
The performance evaluation procedure consists of planning, field work, analy-
sis, and recommendation. The following steps may be followed to carry out a
performance evaluation of an irrigation system:
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