Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Basin Irrigation
(12) Briefly describe the factors affecting basin performance and design.
(13) Define the following terms: aspect ratio, check bank.
(14) What are the points to be considered in a basin design?
(15) Describe the hydraulics of the basin system.
(16) Briefly discuss different simulation approaches of the basin design.
(17) Describe the governing equations of Zero-inertia and Hydrodynamic model
for basin simulation.
(18) Write down the name of some simulation model/software tools for basin
irrigation system design and highlight
their principal
Furrow Irrigation
(19) Describe the hydraulics of the furrow irrigation system.
(20) Describe different approaches of simulating surface flow and infiltration
process in the furrow irrigation system.
(21) Define the following terms: infiltration opportunity time, time ratio, cutoff
ratio, advance rate, surge flow.
(22) What are management controllable variables and design variables in the
furrow system?
(23) What are the considerations in the furrow design?
(24) Describe the governing equations of kinematic-wave model with respect to
furrow irrigation.
(25) Discuss some general guidelines for the furrow design. Have you any sugges-
tions for improving furrow irrigation system?
(26) Name some software tools for furrow design, and highlight their principal
features/working principles.
(27) Furrows of 120 m long and 0.75 m wide and having a slope of 0.3% are irri-
gated for 35 min with a stream size of 0.005 m 3 /s. Determine the average depth
of water.
(28) Furrows of 110 m long and 0.70 m wide and having a slope of 0.25% are
initially irrigated for 40 min with a stream size of 0.0045 m 3 /s. The stream
size is then reduced to half and continued for 20 min. The furrow end is
closed (no outflow from furrow). Determine the average depth of infiltrated
Sprinkler Irrigation
(29) What are the design parameters in sprinkler irrigation system?
(30) Define precipitation rate and application rate.
(31) Draw a sketch of water distribution pattern in the sprinkler system.
(32) What are the factors to be considered in the sprinkler design?
(33) Write down the general consideration in the sprinkler design.
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