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Table 1.
Knowledge Strategic Choice.
they have similar common of strategic manage-
ment characteristic (Şentürk, 2012).
Simple random sampling via the computer was
the main sampling techniques in this study. Self-
administered questionnaire was employed in this
study by using mail postal method. The respond-
ents were guaranteed their anonymity. Finally, 120
hotels were agreed to participate which equivalent
to 58 percent response rate.
In order to test the hypothesis the 25 knowledge
activities that related to knowledge strategic choice
were subjected to factor analysis to analyze the
existence of knowledge strategic choices in hotels.
Using principal component analysis (PCA) with
varimax rotation and Kaiser Normalization via
the SPSS, seven factor components emerged that
explained by 65.70 percent of variance. The Kaiser
Meyer-Olkin measure, the KMO's value were 0.81
which indicate as great in term of its sampling ade-
quacy (Field, 2013). While in term of Bartlett's test
analysis, the items were highly significant at below
001 alpha levels. This result indicates that the fac-
tor analysis was appropriate to be conducted.
Furthermore, PCA result has confirmed seven
factor solutions after rotation. However, the sev-
enth factor was removed due to the one item only
loaded into the factor.
As a result, six items were excluded due to the
items loading load below than 0.55. Out of six fac-
tor solutions, factor component number one, two,
three and six corresponded with Asoh (2004) con-
tention regarding to the common knowledge stra-
tegic choices. However, factor component number
four and five are inconsistent with Asoh (2004)
components but there was no new interpretation
made on those two components. This is because
items that load onto components numbers 4 and 5
were actually represents similar aspect.
Ultimately, components one appear to repre-
sent knowledge exploration, factor two represent
broad knowledge, factor three loaded as knowl-
edge exploitation, factor four classified as knowl-
edge personalization, factor five known as external
knowledge and factor six was knowledge codifica-
tion. Table 2 illustrates knowledge strategic choices
as to implement KS particularly in Malaysian
hotel industry. As the conclusion, hypothesis one
was partially supported.
Zack (1999) revealed that business firm mostly
focused on internal, external, exploitation, explo-
ration and innovation as main knowledge strate-
gic choices and classified that those business firms
who are keen to internal knowledge and knowledge
incapable to manage all the resources in one par-
ticular time (Porter, 1996) and they usually possess
a limited intangible resource especially knowledge
asset (Al-Ammary, 2008).
It is apparent to choose internal knowledge,
external knowledge, knowledge exploitation,
knowledge exploration, knowledge codification,
knowledge personalization, deep knowledge, and
broad knowledge as the main knowledge strategic
choices in this study. Based on this argument, the
following hypothesis has been proposed:
H1: There are knowledge strategic choices to imple-
ment KS in Malaysia hotel industry
4.1 Target population, sampling and data
collection method
Two hundred and six of four-star and five-star
hotels in Malaysia were the target population in
this study. This target population was obtained
from Malaysia Accommodation Directory (2011)
and used as sampling from this study. The main
reason to select four and five stars hotels is because
they have greater operational sophistication such
as wider range of product or service, provide high
personalized service, large investment and wider
span of control among department managers
(Patiar & Mia, 2008). This can be assumed that
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