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Table 1.
Summary of Bootstrap results (5000 bootstrap samples, N = 51 ).
variable (IV)
variable (DV)
effect (c′)
effect (a*b)
95% CI
for a*b
effect (c)
Work variable
Quality of work life
−.1236, .0728
Non-work variable
Quality of work life
. 437
.1749, .0721
Independent variable (IV); Dependent variable (DV). In both analyses, the effect of the other independent variable
were controlled for **p < .001. *p < .05.
the findings, it shows that there was indeed a sig-
nificant positive and significant relationship with
scores (B
employees are aware of their responsibilities and
could deliver good service, indirectly it will enhance
the customers' satisfaction. Thus, this will not affect
performance of executives towards the organization
they served. Furthermore, the industry could retain
their talented executives in the workforce longer.
This current study has some limitations that
deserve to be mentioned. This study was conducted
in Kuala Lumpur focusing on 5 star hotels only.
Hence, the findings could not be generalized to
the entire industry in Malaysia. The current study
focused on work variable, non-work variable and
its implication towards quality of work life. It is
suggested that future studies to look into inter-role
conflicts and how it influence QWL.
.01) . However, non-work
variable shows insignificant relationship towards
quality of work life ( B
1.194, p
0.35). The anal-
yses were different from the following hypothesis:
H2: Non-work variable significantly influence hotel
executives' quality of work life
It was found that there was no statistically signifi-
cant difference at the .05 level in non-work variable
on executives' quality of work life. According to
Table 4.1, the scores of non-work variable towards
quality of work life were B
0.400, p
As expected by Weer (2006), the supportiveness
of an organization's environment for non-work
role participation did mitigate the negative impact
of non-work emotional energy demands on work
engagement. In addition, Thomas and Ganster
(1995) found that employees who worked for organ-
izations that were supportive of their involvement
in family life experienced a greater sense of control
over their work and family responsibilities, which
in turn reduced their perceptions of conflict and
strain and increased their job satisfaction.
0.400, p
This research is funded by Universiti Teknologi
MARA, under the Research Acculturation Grant
Scheme (RAGS) (600-RMI/RAGS 5/3 (140/2013).
Abo-Znadh, S. & Carty, R. (1999). An exploration of
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medical/surgical units in two tertiary care hospitals in
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Adams, G., King, L. & King, D.W. (1996).Relationships
of job and family involvement, family social support,
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Journal of Applied Psychology, 81 (4), 411-20.
Anderson, S. & Ungemah, D. (1999).Variable work
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gon Department of Environmental Quality.
Aryee, S. (1992). Antecedents and outcomes of work-
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Ashforth, B., Kreiner, G. & Fugate, M. (2000). All in a
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Findings of this study suggest some important
implications for hotels' operator in Malaysia par-
ticularly in Kuala Lumpur. From the study, the
result indicates that only work variable has positive
and significant relationship with quality of work
life whereby non work variable shows insignifi-
cant relationship towards quality of work life. This
indicates that executives did depend on their work
life such as number of hours work, work schedule
inflexibility, work stressor, job involvement and job
social support to enhance their quality of work life.
They show that they are passionately interested in
dealing with things that are related to their jobs. On
the other hand, non-work role (parental demands
and working spouse) did not influence the execu-
tives' quality of work life as they can separate their
personal life from work. For the industry, when the
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