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rewards and motivation and employee satisfaction
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0.488). Thus, H1 was accepted. Strong and sig-
nificant relationship is noticed between empower-
ment and employee satisfaction ( r
0.644). Hence,
H2 was accepted. Work environment and employee
satisfaction also found has moderate and signifi-
cant relationship ( r
0.463) and these results lead
to H3 was accepted.
Based on the researchers' findings, it is found that
the hypotheses testing between determinants of
job performance; rewards and motivation, empow-
erment and work environment towards employee
satisfaction shows a positive relationship and cor-
relation of these three relationships was also sig-
nificant. The findings therefore show a support
for a positive relationship between H1, H2 and
H3 . The positive relationship between rewards and
motivation and employee satisfaction is consist-
ent with the study conducted by Schultz (2007).
In view of positive relationship between empower-
ment and employee satisfaction also found signifi-
cant and consistent with He et al. (2010). Finally,
positive relationship between work environment
and employee satisfaction also consistent with the
study conducted by Clark (2009).
Therefore, this study provides good determinant
factors for the industry to concern about rewards
and motivation, empowerment and work environ-
ment in the workplace in order to increase level of
employee job performance that leads to employee
satisfaction in future.
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