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Job performance and employee satisfaction at International Youth
Centre, Kuala Lumpur
N.M.A. Ghani & N.S.N. Muhamad-Yunus
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: Surviving and competing successfully in today's unstable economic environment force the
organizations to have employees who are proactive and committed while engaging with their job in per-
forming higher standard of job performance. This is parallel with the aims to seek in delivering a customer
satisfaction thus establish a good relationship with customers. The nature of customers and employee's
interaction constitute the heart of customers' evaluation of the service experience and regarding to that,
the employee's role in shaping of customer's satisfaction cannot be overlooked. When the employees have
understood their roles and responsibilities, they can successfully perform their job as well as enhance their
satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between determinants
of job performance; rewards and motivation, empowerment and work environment towards employee
satisfaction at International Youth Centre (IYC) in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 60 questionnaires were dis-
tributed to the respondents who work at IYC. The degree of the relationship between determinants of job
performance and employees satisfaction was investigated through questionnaires distributed. Findings of
this study showed that there are positive and significant relationships between the independent variables
towards employee satisfaction.
Keywords : Job performance, rewards and motivation, empowerment, work environment, employee
Therefore, it is crucial for the organization to have
a look at the overall organization environment,
whether it is conducive and comfortable enough for
employees in performing their works. According to
Milliman, Ferguson, Czaplewski and Join (2008),
employee satisfaction is how employees feel about
the work they are doing and the job performance
from that work directly give an impact towards
organization's performance and ultimately its sta-
bility. Thus, if the employees are highly motivated
towards their job, they will perform well and they
will be motivated to achieve the goals of the organ-
ization. According to Homburg and Stock (2005),
the relationship between job satisfaction and job
performance is very strong that they affect one
another including the relationship with custom-
ers. Unfortunately, nowadays some organizations
are only concerned about the profits that they get
and passionately think about to change towards
customer-focused management without focusing
on internal customers first.
The factors of job performance in the organiza-
tions today were not considered by some of organ-
izations because they were just focus more on
customers by ignoring the employee's satisfaction.
The employees did not get the desired rewards that
Employee's job performance is the ability to per-
form effectively in a job required and understands
a complete and up-to-date job description for posi-
tion; understands the job performance require-
ments and standards that are expected to meet.
According to Bakker and Leiter (2010) in order to
survive and compete successfully in today's unsta-
ble economic environment, organizations need
employees who are proactive, show commitment
while engaging with their job and responsibilities
and remain committed to performing at higher
standard. Organizational agility requires employ-
ees who promote high energy and self-confidence
and demonstrate strong enthusiasm and passion
to their work (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2008). Several
factors of job performance will give a big influ-
ence to employee's satisfaction. The factors such
as rewards and motivation, work environment
and empowerment are among the factors that will
enhance the employee's satisfaction.
In most organizations, employee satisfaction
is important in order to ensure employees are
always being loyal with the organization and able
to treat external customers with the best services.
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