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It was found that there is a significant relationship
between language use and destination loyalty. This
finding supports the previous research by Yoon and
Uysal, (2005) and Allen et al. (2007). Based on the
findings of this study, there are several suggestions
and recommendations made to promote Malaysia
as a destination for international tourists.
Government must do an intensive campaign
to increase foreign language skills among tourist
operators in order to attract foreign tourist to visit
The future research should use different ethnic
of respondents, areas and location of visit in order
to understand their culture and intensity during
destination selection. The future research can focus
on a bigger area of population so that the result is
more generalized.
Researcher would like to appreciate Research
Management Unit of Universiti Teknologi MARA
(UiTM) for sponsoring this research work man-
aged by Research Management Institue (RMI)
through Research Intensive Faculty (RIF) [File
No: 600-RMI/DANA 5/3/RIF (892/2012)].
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