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Table 4.
Mean score for purchase intention.
value for method of cooking ( β = .36, p = 0.000)
and the least influence consumer intention to pur-
chase Malay food was the taste, smell and texture
with standard beta coefficient ( β = .33, p = 0.000).
This result indicates that all of the three variables
significantly influence customer purchase inten-
tion on Malay food.
Scale: 1
Strongly Disagree, 2
Disagree, 3
Agree and 5
Strongly Agree.
Table 5.
The result of the multiple regression analysis.
From the overall summary, it is proven that the
food characteristic pertaining to appearance,
taste, smell and texture, and method of cooking
have given significant affect on customers pur-
chase intention toward Malay food. It is impor-
tant therefore for the Malay restaurateurs or food
handlers to improve the quality of the food served.
The ingredients used to prepare the food must be
fresh. The presentation of the Malay local food
must be pleasant in order to attract more consum-
ers and to make the food to be the most preferable
product to purchase. In conclusion, the findings of
the current study can provide intuitive information
that supports the food marketer and restaurateur
to capture more customers to choose Malay food
and helps them to create better strategies and plan-
ning to increase the sales and revenue.
Note: * P < .05, ** P< .001, *** p < .000.
disagreed that the cooking method used in Malay
local food preparation is the best in capturing the
flavor and nutrients of the food.
4.2 Purchase intention of Malay food
This section discusses behavioral intention toward
Malay food that can be used to foretell the actual
purchase behavior on Malay food. Table 4 indi-
cates that the majority of the respondents slightly
disagreed that they will switch other than Malay
local food. They also will dine out again at Malay
restaurants in the future and will recommend to
their friends and family to eat Malay local food.
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4.3 The relationship of malay food characteristics
and purchase intention
To test the relationship between the Malay local
food characteristics and purchase intention, mul-
tiple regressions was used.
The Table 5 signifies that Malay food character-
istics were able to clarify 61.1 percent the variance
in intention to purchase. There was a positive and a
moderate correlation between Malay food charac-
teristic and customer purchase intention (
β =
0. 05). The beta value under standardized coef-
ficient was also evaluated by comparing the contri-
bution of each of the independent variables to the
dependent. The appearance (
0.05) have
a moderate influence on the consumer purchase
intention of Malay local food. Followed by beta
.41, p
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