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be because of the experience and knowledge gain
from training program. Therefore, food handlers
can learn the usage of thermometer and under-
standing the temperature, which are critical factors
that can cause bacteria easily to multiply.
Table 5 indicates the cross tabulation between
nationality and the knowledge of using thermom-
eter. The table shows that only one Indonesian
respondent know how to use the thermometer.
Rather than Malaysian respondent which all of
them know how to use thermometer. From the
result shows that Malaysian respondents are more
knowledgeable on food temperature.
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3.4 Discussion
The study have illustrated that the food handlers
initially already have the basic knowledge on food
safety. Consequently, food handlers were lacking of
knowledge on understanding the importance of food
temperature in food handling. The food tempera-
ture is vital for every food handlers to understand
and applying it to avoid from any cross contamina-
tion and food temperature abuse occurred. Further-
more, table 2 proves the effectiveness of ongoing
training. From the training, it explains that food
handlers' knowledge increased. Therefore, ongoing
training have increased the knowledge of food han-
dler pertaining to the food temperature knowledge
of every food handlers especially in using thermom-
eter for monitoring purposes.
3.5 Conclusions
As a conclusion, to ensure food handlers comply
with safe food handling, more research is required
to ensure that the most effective types of training
and interventions can occur. There is also a need
for improvements in the reporting of intervention
studies in this area, which allows for the identifica-
tion of bias in the results, and provides a guide to
how representative the sample may be to the wider
population. Thus, attention need to focus not only
to the food handlers but also to the stakeholders
and parents involvement relating with school can-
teen activities to ensure the students gets safe and
healthy food.
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CDC (Centers for Disease Control, Prevention), 2012.
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Retrieved Disember 20, 2013 from http://wwwn.cdc.
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