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theory has been applied to various research involv-
ing the assessment of people with certain situations
such as travelling by automobile, using elevators
and escalators, climbing stairs to high levels, din-
ing in restaurants, shopping in supermarkets and
venturing alone in public spaces (Bandura, 1982).
Besides that, there were also studies in other field or
disciplines. One example is the study by Karatepe,
Arasli, and Khan (2007) examining the effect of
self-efficacy on job performance, job satisfaction
and affective organizational commitment among
hotel employee. The result showed that highly self-
efficacious employees perform more effectively in
the workplace.
In the context of this study, self-efficacy is
incorporated in the implementation of ISRS in
hotel industry to encapsulate the efficacy fac-
tors within the employees and middle managers.
Self-efficacy influences peoples thinking, feeling,
motivation and act. Hence, understanding the
employees and middle managers efficacy beliefs
toward ISRS enables the hotel to implement ISRS
effectively. Self-efficacy development involves
physical and cognitive effort, over time before the
person becomes fully efficacious and it is worth-
while assessing the efficacy factors in relation to
ISRS, an emerging concept.
Middle managers often need to intervene in
the recovery process upon customers demand.
Incorporating self-efficacy in the process of imple-
mentation of the ISRS in hotels would enable the
researcher to examine the acceptance and percep-
tion of ISRS among middle managers and employ-
ees. Apart from that, empirical evidence shows that
firms with ISRS can achieve a more valuable client
base since customer satisfaction, loyalty and per-
ceived value are enhanced.
of this study, the element of tangible is removed
for the reason that the measurement is based on
employees' perception of service performance in
This study will contribute to the existing knowl-
edge of service marketing literature generally and
the service recovery area specifically. Previous
studies on service recovery mainly revolve around
customer satisfaction, loyalty and profitability and
lacks in focusing on employees, especially front-
line employees. Service failure and service recovery
affect both the customers and employees. Hence,
focusing on employees would create the balance
in the service recovery literature. Apart from that,
this study would improve the understanding of the
effectiveness of integrated service recovery strate-
gies, specifically in the hotel industry.
By assessing the employees and middle manag-
ers performance with ISRS, the acceptability and
suitability of the new concept can be captured.
Apart from that, hotel management will have a
clear understanding of the approach to implement
ISRS specifically by focusing on the self-efficacy
factors identified from the result. When ISRS is
incorporated in the hotel's recovery strategy, the
outcome would ensure reduced level of stress, dis-
satisfaction and frustration among employee and
hence directly contribute to proactive and efficient
recovery management. Following this, customers
would experience improved service, reducing the
risk of service failure as well as guaranteed effec-
tive service recovery. Finally, the outcome of effec-
tive recovery management is important in ensuring
the sustainability of the tourism industry which is
crucial to the Malaysian economy.
2.6 Service performance
The SERVPERF model emerged from SEVQUAL
introduced by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry
(1985) to measure service quality. The SERVQUAL
model received criticism by scholars particularly
the way it measures expectation among customers.
Therefore Cronin Jr and Taylor (1992) argued that
service quality measurement should be based on
performance. Since then, SERVPERF has gained a
lot of attention by service marketing scholars and
many studies has utilised SERVPERF in order to
measure service quality. In reference to this study,
modified SERVPERF will be used to measure
employees' performance with regards to the imple-
mentation of ISRS in the hotel industry. The exist-
ing scale measurement is replicated from the study
by Yilmaz (2009). His study revolves around meas-
uring hotel service quality performance from the
customers' perspective in Turkey. For the purpose
An integrated approach to service recovery gives
the organisation a new opportunity to maintain
dissatisfied clients, recover employee and learn to
prevent or reduce the likelihood of future error
(Johnston & Michel, 2008; La & Kandampully,
2004; Michel et al., 2009). The benefit and impor-
tance of an integrated service recovery strategy
is evidently clear and this study will shed light
towards the effectiveness of ISRS in hotel industry
based on front-line employees' service performance
by incorporating self-efficacy theory in the frame-
work of the study. The result will provide theoreti-
cal as well as managerial implications towards the
betterment of the hospitality and tourism industry
in Malaysia.
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