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such as annual conventions and local gatherings.
By automatically identifying these events and their
associated user-contributed social media docu-
ments, which is the focus of this paper, we can
enable powerful local event browsing and search,
to complement and improve the local search tools
that Web search engines provide. In this paper, we
address the problem of how to identify events and
their associated user-contributed documents over
social media sites.
the samples obtained for this study were 101
respondents which represented 72 percent of total
population. 98.5 percent return rate was recorded
and analyzed for further discussion. Moreover, the
convenience sampling method was used to select
the potential respondents. Five points Likert scale
also was used in measuring the tendency of answer
given by the respondents. The data sets were coded
and keyed for analysis using a Statistical Package
of Social Science (SPSS), Version 20.0.
2.4 Relationship between popularity of social
media and public awareness about the event
The popularity of contributed items also shows
this extreme diversity. Relatively few of the four bil-
lion images on the social photo-sharing site Flickr,
for example, are viewed thousands of times, while
most of the rest are rarely viewed. The number
of viewers are commonly been determined by the
strength of the images and the actual messages that
the sender intended to share.
Looking at other example, with more than 900
million users worldwide (Cohen, 2012), Facebook
has become one of the most successive social net-
work in world history. Undoubtedly, the capability
of this famous social media in connecting peo-
ple worldwide with its unique feature and smart
approach via incorporating its function in various
operating system and mobile devices make Face-
book are above their competitors in the same field.
Looking at this phenomenon, it is widely accepted
that to be survive in this media line, it is critically
important for social media providers to offer their
users with unique and update tools to help them
enjoy and aware about any latest news and changes
around them.
According to Bruhn, Schoenmueller, and
Schäfer (2012), social media offer companies
numerous opportunities to listen to their consum-
ers, to engage with them, and to even influence
their conversations. Companies providing social
network platforms bring like-minded consumers
together and give them the opportunity to talk
about event-based topics.
4.1 Credibility of social media towards event
The most outstanding result in the sub-section anal-
ysis is related to the social media as an active and
fast moving medium (item 5, m
4.62) and infor-
mation to influence platform (item 3, m
This could be true as social media has strong power
in influencing the end user. As a result, social
media become a tool to seek out information (item
1, m
4.10). In addition, social media become a
regular place for expressing thoughts and opinions
(item 2, m
4.07), potential registrants turn to
social channel (item 6, m
3.98) and different plat-
form has its own focus (item
3.87). This
could be supported by saying that the credibility
of social media may influence the event awareness
through the functionality of internet.
4, m
4.2 Benefit of social media influence public
in event promotion
Most of the respondents agreed that the benefits
obtain from social media may drive public towards
event promotion which indirectly related to their
awareness. It can be shown through the state-
ment of social media sites are inexpensive (item 1,
4.32), social media is a communication tools
(item 2, m
4.56), the use of social media is read-
ily available (item 3, m
4.25), Attendees are
empowered to become reviewers (item 4, m
Expose an event to thousands of potential regis-
trants (item 5, m
4.25). Positive agreement by
the respondents have shown that the social media
may bring benefits and influenced public in event
promotion which eventually broaden up the people
This study was focused on how social media as pro-
motion aid may influence participants' awareness
towards the event. Therefore, targeted audiences
were form AVON Kiss Goodbye Breast Cancer
event launching on December 2014 which was
held in Mydin Supermarket, Subang Jaya, Selan-
gor, Malaysia. According to Krejecie and Morgan
(1970), a hundred and three respondents were suf-
ficient to represent 140 populations Subsequently,
4.3 Popularity vs public awareness
The relationship between these two variables was
diagnosing using Pearson Correlation method.
Result in Table 3 below shows that the interrela-
tion between popularity of social media in events
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