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to be further investigated and one hypothesis is
aim to be tested.
1. To investigate the credibility of social media in
event management.
2. To distinguish the benefits of social media usage
in event promotions.
3. To study the interrelation between popularity of
social media in events marketing and the public
awareness of the event.
allows marketers to listen to customers more easily
and more cost-effectively. Social media also relies
on a 'sharing' culture, which means sharing infor-
mation and being helpful (Smith & Zook, 2011).
Besides, it is widely accepted that social media
allow users to interact, to share content and to
create content collectively. Social media connect
a large set of people around the world, thereby
increasing the number of potential participants in
prediction markets. Moreover, social media might
increase the diversity of participants, thereby
potentially improving the quality of predictions.
By looking at social media as a tool for market-
ing, Arca (2012) has stated that social media can be
used as an unconventional means to achieve con-
ventional goals, through the use of creativity, com-
munity, and relationships instead of big budgets to
achieve marketing objectives. These methods are
powerful guerrilla marketing strategies. It could be
said that, the use of social media is a great change
in the world of marketing. Moreover, with millions
of users, social media sites make a convenient tar-
get base for people who are trying to market prod-
ucts or services to people worldwide.
2.1 Social media
Social media is a term that is used to describe web
services that receive most of the content from their
users or that aggregate the content from other sites
as feeds. The sites build on social networks and on
the creativity of the participants of one or more
communities. In social media anyone can become a
producer, but many of the people see themselves as
participants who engage in the community rather
than producers (Lietsala & Sirkkunen, 2008).
At its best, social media builds the foundations
for a participatory economy where participants
gain use-value as the result of community action.
People collaborate on social media, and as a return,
the action of the individuals produces something
new, even unexpected results. The emergence may
be profitable business and provide income for
firms, but it also has an impact on the social rela-
tions and the wellbeing of individuals.
2.3 Popularity of social media
It is widely accepted that the growing popularity of
social media leads advertisers to invest more effort
into communicating with consumers through
online social networking. Social media, enable
users to present themselves, establish and maintain
social connections with others, and articulate their
own social networks. In this setting, brand man-
agers often seek two types of marketing commu-
nication: interactive digital advertising and virtual
brand communities. However, such social media
marketing trends also raise concerns about how to
optimize the effects of marketing communication
in the context of online social networking.
Social media pertains essentially to social net-
working among users, so marketing communi-
cation approaches in such user-centered social
networking contexts reflect the views of marketing
practitioners (Mulhern, 2009). The most prevail-
ing communication approach focuses on the media
features of social networking, such that social
connections transform into personal channels for
brand communication (Russell, 2009).
According to Becker, Naaman, and Gravano
(2010), the ease of publishing content on social
media sites brings to the Web an ever-increasing
amount of content captured during and associated
with real world events. Sites like Flickr, YouTube,
Facebook and others host user-contributed con-
tent for a wide variety of events. These range from
widely known events, such as presidential inau-
gurations, to smaller, community-specific events,
2.2 Credibility of social media
According to Kiousis (2001), it has been suggested
that the credibility of the channel/medium of com-
munication influences the selective involvement
of the audience with the medium. Furthermore,
individual audiences are paying closer attention to
the media that they perceive to be credible. When
individual audiences rely more on a certain com-
munication medium for information seeking, they
are likely to rate the medium more credible than
other media.
Individual audiences are paying closer atten-
tion to the media that they perceive to be credible.
It is widely accepted, when individual audiences
rely more on a certain communication medium
for information seeking, they are likely to rate the
medium more credible than other media.
2.2 Benefits of social media
Social media opens up new channels of communi-
cation that give marketers direct access to custom-
ers and opinion formers. Moreover, social media
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