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Social media: Credibility, popularity and its benefits towards events'
M.H. Zamri, M.D. Darson & A.M.F. Wahab
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: This study investigates the credibility, popularity and benefits of social media towards
event industry. It is also analyzing the interrelation between popularity of social media in events market-
ing and the public awareness of the event. 101 respondents were successfully surveyed using convenience
sampling. Findings revealed that there is a partial positive relationship exists between popularity of social
media in events marketing and the public awareness of the event. Finally, the implications toward the
event marketing effort and recommendations for event organizer were suggested and potential future
research was also emphasized.
Keywords :
Social media, credibility, popularity, benefits, awareness
utilization reason of this medium. It is also impor-
tant to create understanding and acceptance inter-
nally for the use of social media. It is necessary to
find the balance between what feels good for the
company and what is interesting for the reader. A
too strict information policy probably leads to the
contents that are not interesting and that nobody
reads them (Johansson, 2010).
According to Young (2012), the social media
elements that generate business opportunity for
companies to extend their brands are also have the
same elements that created IT-related risk. Like the
borderless nature of social media itself, the vari-
ous risks surrounding social media can be faced
by multiple enterprise functions at the same time,
challenged companies to understand how, when
and where to engage their IT functions or plug risk
coverage gaps.
In line with that notion, although social media
have a huge impact to various aspects, question raise
whether its credibility highly influenced the event
management, the benefits of social media usage
in event promotions and the interrelation between
popularity of social media and events' awareness of
people towards event. To date, there is still lack of
studies looking at these issues as the studies before
are being concentrated more on other angles such
as the influence of social media in sociocultural
and the impact being brought by these technol-
ogy to the business and politics. Understanding all
these issues are therefore considered important to
strategize the marketing approach and maximizing
the capability of this unique communication tools.
With that, two research objectives are formulated
A social media is a recent and complex phenom-
enon. Nowadays, companies are striving to under-
stand how to capture effectively and utilize social
media as part of their business portfolio and
service offering. The 21st century is witnessing
an explosion of Internet-based messages trans-
mitted through these media. They have become
a vast apparatus in influencing various aspects
of consumer behavior including awareness, infor-
mation acquisition, opinions, attitudes, purchase
behavior, and post-purchase communication and
As claimed by Benson. Haghighi, and Barzilay
(2011), social media messages are short, often use
a simple language and require situational context
for interpretation. Not all details of an event can
be expressed in a single message and the relation
between messages and event context is not clear.
These characteristics of social media streams make
extracting techniques significantly are not effective.
While such resources are widely available online,
they are usually high precision, but low recall.
Social media is a right place for users to discover
new events and it's provide a pool of information
such as date, time and attendance confirmation if
someone planning to attend the occasion.
Getting involved in social media will helps a
lot of new company and increased their company
transparency to public. Each company should con-
sider it before involve and active in social media
of how the company wants to be, which type of
information the company wants to share and the
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