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3, and 6). And when they were asked about charg-
ing difference prices at difference season most of
them replied “that is not possible. Rates are moni-
tored as best that we stick to as homestay coordi-
nator ensure that we do so.. any rate revises will be
informed ” (respondent 1,2,3, and 6)
Other theme that is significant in line with
revenue management is demand generation. The
interview provided insight that the demand for the
homestay program lays in the facilities as well as
activities and performance prepared by each vil-
lage. Tourists are attracted to homestay as it is
based on culture and nature beside the warm hos-
pitability as the host. “……. we try our best to ensure
we provide genuine experience making tourist eager
to know our culture, languages, food and custom
such as wedding….among others and activities such
as rubber tapping, padi planting and catching eel ”…
Making it unique experience…thus demand to our
villages is maintained” . (Respondent 1, 3, and 6)
The forth theme identifiable is customer seg-
mentation which requires operators to separate
customer into categories. Respond of the inter-
view show segmentation practices done. Operators
respondent are as follows…“ Currently most of our
customer are student and foreign tourist, this are the
segment we focus on we operate to show our hospi-
tality and culture, to show tourist our way of life…
for sure we would not practice treating our customer
differently .” (Respondent 2,4,5 and 6).
The next theme that come into light is capac-
ity management relies on having to separate room
in to different set of prices to be sold at different
channel. From the interview homestay does not
practice setting up different rates for their pack-
ages “… we rely most of the marketing channel via
ministry website and the agent will call and set it up
with us…the minimum room that need to be provided
is 10 then we can be consider as a homestay…some
customer would come directly and most of the time
call to make a booking and most of the time same
rate is being charged” (Respondent 2,4,5 and 6).
The interview also highlighted forecasting prac-
tices which enable homestay operators to be pre-
pared for busy business period and most operators
agreed that tourist arrival data provides them with
a lead start. “… knowing when more tourist come to
our homestay really help us in preparing and main-
taining our homestay while coordinating activities
and cultural performance and this is usually during
the holiday season …”(Respondent 1, 3, 4 and 6)
Other emerging theme was managing homestay
as a product relies on maintaining the nature and
culture element that signifies them as a homestay
operator. At the same time ensuring tourist expe-
rience is important rather than tourist staying in
the room.“… we believe our homestay program rely
on our culture and they way we are living now…it is
the real experience and to ensure our product sell we
must portray the best in our culture …if I'm not mis-
taken we have won an award by UMWTO in 2012
(Respondent 1, 2, 3, 6)
The last significant theme identified from the
interview was profitability management. It is
important to maintain the profitability to ensure
homestay business. The findings showed that oper-
ators gained enough profit to compensate their
effort and involvement. “… right now we are able to
maintain our business profitability..With the train-
ing done by the ministry enable us to understand that
this business is very good, provided that we manage
our profit wisely..Treating each tourist fairly..Ensure
that our activities excite them..Thus spreading the
good word of mouth to their peers…making other to
come to our homestay .. And currently we are making
an average of RM600 - RM800 per month, a good
additional income . (Respondent 1, 2, 3, and 4)”
The interview provides a reasonable ground to
gauge the awareness of homestay operators on
the practices of revenue management. Operators
have a brief understanding and awareness of rev-
enue management practices in their daily opera-
tions. Themes raised from the interview are in line
with revenue management concept and practices.
Despite of having less knowledge on operating a
lodging operation, training provided have been suc-
cessful as most respondent clearly understand their
roles in making this program successful. Although
many still rely on the Ministry of Tourism effort in
marketing and generating demand for the business.
Among others they have to comply strictly with the
operating guidelines set by the Ministry of tour-
ism, cultural program, lodging condition and set-
ting rates. Thus, with this understanding homestay
operators are able to sustain their business over the
This research is funded by Universiti Teknologi
MARA through Research Intensive Grant 600-
RMI/DANA 5/3/RIF (879/2012).
Aminudin, N. and Jamal, S.A. (2006). Homestay Selan-
gor: Keunikan dan Pengalaman Pengusaha. Selangor:
Pusat Penerbitan Univesiti (UPENA).
Amran, H. and Hairul, N.I. (2003). Kajian penilaian
kesan sosio-ekonomi program homestay di Kampung
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