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aspect of building and cultural environments of
Malacca as the heritage site.
The government should be aware of the respon-
sible tourism practice at Malacca as a World Herit-
age Site. In order for them to practice, they need to
allocate some fund accordingly based on the mar-
ket segment that has been recognized within this
research. They also can focus on the advertising
campaign to foreign and local tourist in order to
increase the number of arrivals.
The methodology used can be further enhanced
by using structural equation modeling (SEM) that
can establish a model as depicted in the theoreti-
cal framework which can be viewed holistically. In
conclusion, based on the hierarchical regression
models, the study found that the cultural and envi-
ronment factors has a significant impact towards
responsible tourism at Malacca World Heritage
Site while experience and role of government fac-
tors are not significantly associated with responsi-
ble tourism.
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