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hypothesis 1 is supported. The characteristic of
responsible tourism are culturally sensitive, engen-
ders respect between tourists and hosts, and builds
local pride and confidence. It shows the important
of cultural in order to educate tourist to be more
responsible (Goodwin, 2003).
H2: There is an insignificant relationship between
experience and responsible tourism
For the second independent variable which is
experience, the study revealed that there is a weak
linkage between experience and responsible tour-
ism ( B
responsible tourism as they only focus on hoteliers
and tour operators in development of tourism. As
the study has been done in Malacca World Herit-
age Site, the role of Non-Government Organiza-
tion (NGO) such as Malacca Tourism Association
has been seen as a major player in developing
responsible tourism as compared to the govern-
ment role.
4.2 Summary of hypothesis testing
Based on the findings of the regression analysis
shown, there are significant relationships between
independent variables (cultural and environ-
ment) and dependent variable (responsible tour-
ism) whereby hypothesis 1, and 3 are supported.
Hypothesis 2 and 4 are rejected because there are
insignificant relationships between perceptions
on experience towards responsible tourism and
government and responsible tourism. In conclu-
sion, based on the hierarchical multiple regression
models, the researcher found that cultural and
environment has a significant influence towards
perception of responsible tourism at the Malacca
World Heritage Site. Table 2 shows the summariza-
tion on the hypothesis testing.
0.423), therefore experience is
insignificant with responsible tourism. Hypothesis
2 was rejected. It was supported by Goodwin and
Francis (2003) and stated that tourist will engaged
in responsible tourism if they have real holiday by
having a better experience in their vacation. In this
study, tourist does not really engaged themselves
in their holiday experience as they only experience
with the place and their visit at Malacca World
Heritage Site did not emotionally attached with
real holiday.
H3: There is a significant relationship between envi-
ronment and responsible tourism
For environment, this study found out that there
is also a strong linkage between environment and
responsible tourism ( B
= −
0.126, p
0.013), there-
fore environment is significant at 0.05 level with
responsible tourism. Hypothesis 3 was accepted.
This was also supported by Zoe (2005) stated that
many travellers seek out pristine environments to
visit, and it is important to the vast majority of
them that their trip not damage local ecosystems.
They are interested in patronizing hotels that are
committed to protect the local environment, and
increasingly view local environmental and social
stewardship as a responsibility for the businesses
they support thus; it shows that responsible tour-
ism has an important impact on the environment.
H4: There is an insignificant relationship between
government and responsible tourism
For moderating variable which is government,
this study found out that there are several weak
and insignificant linkages between government
and responsible tourism ( B
0.401, p
The result of this study showed that only two sig-
nificant variables relationship existed i.e. cultural
and environment towards responsible tourism.
This research will provide new findings pertaining
to tourists' perception towards responsible tour-
ism from Malaysian perspective since there are lit-
tle study has been devoted to responsible tourism
practices in Malaysia. Future researchers will find
this study as a significant reference in order to help
their government to have constant advancement in
a country's tourism industry.
This research also will give the opportunity for
tourists to understand their responsibility towards
their holiday destination by preserving the natural
Table 2.
Summarization of hypothesis testing result.
cultural and responsible tourism with government
( B
.038, p
0.884); experience and responsible
tourism with government as moderator ( B
.015, p
0. 783); and environment and responsible tour-
ism ( B
0.259) with government. It can
be concluded that tourist perceived that govern-
ment does not play an important role in responsi-
ble tourism. Therefore, hypothesis 4 was rejected.
This was supported by Goodwin (2003) as tour-
ist perceive do not see the role of government in
= −
0.108, p
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