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guidelines to hotel, tourists' operators and tourist
provider in order to protect the environment.
Government is the moderating variable because
that they are middleman between tourist provider,
government agencies and industry association as
well as local community towards maintaining the
listing status and preserving cultural heritage, cul-
tures, languages and food in the long run. Govern-
ment challenges are to manage the cultural heritage
and capitalizing on Malacca's tourism potential at
the same time.
There were 4 hypotheses have been developed for
this study:
Hypothesis 1: There is a significant relationship
between culture and responsible tourism
Hypothesis 2: There is a significant relationship
between experience and responsible tourism
Hypothesis 3: There is a significant relationship
between environment and responsible tourism
Hypothesis 4: There is a significant relationship
between government and responsible tourism
Based on the above past studies, the following
model is developed to be tested in this study.
The independent variables recognized in this
study are cultural, experience, and environment
while dependent variable is the responsible tourism
and this study also use the role of government as
moderating variable. The sampling size constituted
of 200 tourists that visit Malacca World Heritage
The sampling design used in this research
was the simple random sampling. The study was
administered personally by distributing question-
naires to the respondents. The questionnaire item
were extracted and adapted from Harold Goodwin
(2003). The respondents were required to rate their
level of agreement with statements given using five
point scales ranking from strongly disagree (1) to
strongly agree (5). In this study, SPSS version 17
was utilized to analyze information gathered. In
order to interpret the data analysis for this study,
this study used the quantitative analyses which
are frequency distribution, reliability of measure
using Cronbach's Alpha, multiple regressions, and
descriptive statistics and coefficient correlations.
4.1 Discussion
Summary of the hierarchical regression on govern-
ment as a moderator in relationship between cul-
tural, experience and environment with responsible
tourism is explained in Table 1.
The model shows that 71.7 percent of the
dependent variable is explained by the changes
of independent variables. It indicates that this
model is useful with adjusted r 2
0.676, means of
67.6 percent indicating that the factors may influ-
ence responsible tourism that can be explained
by all the independent variables (experience, cul-
tural and environment) and moderating variable
H1: There is a significant relationship between cul-
ture and responsible tourism
The study also found out that there is a strong
linkage between cultural and responsible tourism
( B
0.000), therefore cultural is signifi-
cant at 0.05 level with responsible tourism. Based
on the findings, there is a significant relationship
between cultural and responsible tourism. Thus,
0.577, p
Table 1. Summary of result on regression on govern-
ment as a moderator in relationship between cultural,
experience and environment with responsible tourism.
Figure 1. Research model (Sources adapted from
Goodwin, H., and Francis, J., (2003)).
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