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experiences that demonstrate our social, economic,
environmental, technical, institutional and finan-
cial responsibility.
and World Heritage Site should be translated into
the rational benefit of encountering unspoiled his-
torical side and multi-racial living cultures. Positive
unique image creation leads to intention to revisit
and recommend others experiencing the world
heritage and history of Malacca. When tourist
has a great experience, they will have the sense of
responsible on their vacation at the Malacca World
Heritage Site.
2.2 Cultural
Responsible tourism recognises and celebrates the
diversity of the world's cultures and environments
(Goodwin, 2010).
Responsible tourism is a concept of responsibil-
ity to the local community, nature and tourists. In
order to fulfill the responsibilities to the local com-
munity, it should focus both on the local economy
and local culture.
Culture represents an important tourism attrac-
tion of destinations. The development of tourism
products based on cultural heritage requires a
framework—tourism policy that provides the nec-
essary conditions. Tourism development should
accordingly protect cultural values, preserve envi-
ronmental assets and maximize economic results.
(Datzira, 2006). Tourist wanted information about
local customs and appropriate dress and behavior
for them (Goodwin, 2003). Therefore the concept
of responsible tourism is concern on the culture of
destination include the custom, people, place and
language of the originality.
Tourists visit Malacca due to its full of cultural
heritage element including historic buildings, sites,
cultures and other invaluable assets that encapsu-
late a nation's soul and spirit. Thus, tourists that
come to Malacca perceive that respecting the cul-
ture is part of their responsibility during their visit
to Malacca.
2.4 Environment
It was crucial for tourist to have their holiday that
did not damage the environment. The tourists are
also willing to pay more to assist in preserving the
local environment and reversing some negative
environmental effects of tourism (Goodwin, 2003).
In term of environmental impacts, tourism has
infected serious “architectural pollution” as the
historical buildings and churches of once quaint
sleepy towns and village either have been pulled
down (Loannides, 1995).
According to Stankovic (1991), the protection
of nature is not a task of individuals and of spe-
cialized agencies. Nature has to be protected by all,
for thereby they protect themselves, they preserve
the man in it. The modern idea of the problems
and processes concerning on protection of nature
for tourism need to be based on a concept of deter-
mining the relationship between human and soci-
ety to it. In connection with this, it stress on the
substance to the concept in active protection of
nature. According to this concept, the protection
of nature must not be restricted to the protection
of individual natural rarities and isolated reserva-
tions. Nature should be protected in it's entirely.
In national environment policy, Malaysia's over-
all environmental policy will take the factors of the
need to maintain a healthy environment for human
habitation and the need to preserve the country's
unique and diverse natural heritage, all of which
contribute to the quality of life. As Malacca has
become the tourist attraction, so there is the need
of responsible tourism in persevering and main-
taining the environment.
2.3 Experience
Zepple and Hall (1991) see heritage tourism as a
broad field of specialty travel, 'based on nostalgia
for the past and the desire to experience diverse
cultural landscapes and forms'. Responsible tour-
ists have specific motivation toward and need of
tourism experiences. Responsible tourists want to
ensure that their tourism experience impacts posi-
tively on local host communities and environment.
In order to analyse the tourism experience lit-
erature, key themes are developed to explicate the
concept. The following themes are discussed; emo-
tional elements & social inclusion, environment to
experience, involvement, social science and mar-
keting management approach, experience embed-
ded in long term memory (Murray, 2010).
Malacca as a Historical City has a lot to offer
a great experience to tourists in terms of visiting
historical sites. Buyong and Rajiani (2011) proved
that Malacca has fulfilled the requirements to dif-
ferentiate the city as a unique tourist destination.
The positioning of Malacca as Malaysia truly Asia
2.5 Government
In implementing the responsible tourism in the
tourism destination, government play an impor-
tant role due to its management of historic proper-
ties and culture and consequences of their action,
whether their concerns result in responsible behav-
ior and did not yet forego business opportunities
from promoting heritage tourism. Implementing
the guidelines improves relations with the commu-
nity and protects the environment (Merwe, 2007).
Therefore, the government should implement the
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