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Table 3. Regression model for destination image vs
of researchers found an existence of a significant
relationship between image and expectations in
catering and travel agencies respectively.
By looking at the perspective of Singaporean tour-
ists toward destination image of Perak, the analy-
sis discovered that tourists were slightly disagreed
quality of certain destination images listed with
shopping facilities recorded the lowest score. View-
ing the relationship between destination image and
expectation, analysis indicates that image appears
to have significant effect on expectation formation
in tourists mind where most of them having a neu-
tral expectation toward the images of destination
in Perak.
The finding is consistent with past studies that
confirmed the relationships of image and expec-
tation (Bigné, et al., 2001; Clow, et al., 1997;
Rodríguez del Bosque & Martín, 2008; Rodríguez
del Bosque, et al., 2006). It is suggested that serious
efforts should be taken to further strengthen the
destination image of Perak in destination market-
ing strategies in order to facilitate the state effort to
grab more Singaporean tourists market.
Theoretically, the findings will become a base
reference to further clarify more deeply regarding
which aspects of destination segment that should
be investigate more in the future research. It could
also assist the state government of Perak and other
related authorities to reshaping their strategy in a
promotional campaign to tap the Singaporean tour-
ists market. All the input will help those authorities
to plan in advance the suitable approach so that the
potentially negative image in tourists' mind about
the destination before can be reduced.
In order to develop a robust and clear image
of tourism destination in Perak, it is suggested
that the priority should be given to policy plan-
ning as it play a crucial role in rejuvenating the
image. Emphasize should be focused on elements
that received poor rating among tourists. As such,
shopping facilities scored the lowest rating among
Singaporeans. Therefore, related authorities should
undertake a comprehensive effort to improve this
image. Improvement in service quality and physi-
cal appearance could be one way to revitalize this
image apart from injecting more unique elements
that depict the culture of Perak in the shopping
In conclusion, comprehensive action and collec-
tive involvement from all related parties are needed
to rejuvenate and refurbish the image of destina-
tion in Perak. Hence, the mission of state govern-
ment to tap the Singaporean tourist market can be
achieved successfully.
a. Predictors: (Constant), Destination Image
b. Dependent Variable: Expectation
once again recorded the lowest score among all
images listed. This repeated figure might be driven
by the fact that many tourist destination in Perak
is built on the basis of eco-tourism which conse-
quently had contributed to the minimum extensive
facilities efforts.
4.4 Destination image vs expectation
A simple linear regression analysis was used to
approximate the coefficient of linear equation
between destination image and their expectation
towards those images. Result in Table 3 revealed
that the destination image affecting 55.4 percent
( R 2
= 0. 554, F-Change = 184.037 , p < .01** ) of the
variance in the expectation formation. It showed
that the destination image attributes significantly
contributed to the expectation formation in tour-
ist mind. It is proven when the destination image
( β = 0.744, p < .01** ) was found to positively and
significantly affect the expectation formation which
can be claimed that the hypothesis is supported.
The analysis result for the hypothesis was con-
sistent with Bigné et al. (2001) and Rodríguez del
Bosque and Martín (2008) studies as they noted
that before people visit their desired place, image
will influence the expectation formation in their
mind toward the destination. This was supported
by previous studies by Clow et al. (1997) and
Rodrígue del Bosque et al. (2006) when both group
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