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“...the embeddedness of a phenomenon in its real-life
context.” (Blumberg, Cooper & Schindler, 2008, p.
375). Homestays in Negeri Sembilan were chosen
due to its declining performance and personal con-
nections that researchers have with some of the
providers. The fieldwork in five of nine homestay
in Negeri Sembilan was carried out and observed
over a period of two months. Researchers chose
a smaller sample in order to get closer to the
respondents perspective. As Silverman (2006, p.
9) indicates: “...qualitative researchers are prepared
to sacrifice scope for detail” , and here detail means
finding out precise data about people's lives, per-
ceptions and interactions. The selected sample in
this research was mostly chosen through the purpo-
sive sampling. This is because, the selection of the
informant is based on the informants' direct expe-
rience with the issues and yet, it was ensured that
the resulting sample was relevant for the study. The
diversity of views and opinions helped researchers
to relate to why certain themes or issues occur and
have impacts on the researched situation.
3.1 Research design: Exploratory approach
with case study
A qualitative method with a case study approach
is used as the research design to explore the phe-
nomenon of Negeri Sembilan homestay develop-
ment. Exploratory research method is defined as a
research that has not previously been studied and
attempt to identify new knowledge, new insight, new
understanding; new meanings and to explore new
factors related to the topic (Qu & Dumay, 2011).
The researchers are using semi-structured interview
with open-ended questions. The interviews were
carried out at informants' residence, which were
convenient them. With permissions granted by
informants, interviews were audio recorded, while
the interview notes taken by researchers in writing
during interviews. The keynote is active listening,
allowing the informant to talk freely and ascribe
meanings, while keeping in mind the broader aim
of the research as suggested by Silverman (2006).
In some interviews researcher used a more stand-
ardized technique, yet most of the questions
occurred randomly and freely. Researcher tried to
interact with each informant and understand their
experiences, opinions and ideas in order to get their
perceptions of the matter. This method is particu-
larly useful when accessing individuals' attitudes
and values. Interviews offer a rich source of data,
which provides access to how people account for
their troubles as well as joy. The duration of each
interview conducted is varied and unexpected.
Nevertheless, the overall level, every interview held
between in the hour and not more than 1 hour and
30 minutes. The time is adequate, given the issues
raised required a verbal explanation together with
the help of documents provided to support the
informant of the statement. The interview ques-
tions are directed on the informant experiences and
knowledge about the phenomenon with the direct
involvement of the homestay management.
In order to not solely rely on deep-interviews of
the respondents' self-report, the research consisted
of observations too. This method is an important
resource in understanding the character of inform-
ants and the communities. Observation approach
gives a better understanding and clear picture on
what is going on, rather than presume researcher
own opinion and perceived mind to interpret the
information from the interview.
The research finding has led to a better under-
standing of the S-shaped curve destination devel-
opment in Negeri Sembilan Homestay. The results
of this study indicated that a high dependency on
the government agencies in marketing the home-
stay program is one of the reasons the declining
growth in tourist arrivals to the homestay in Neg-
eri Sembilan. Another significant finding is that
the fading interest in participating in the homestay
program because of its insignificant economic
return to the homestay providers and their succes-
sors. Additionally, the absent of a leader in leading
the CBT. These two major problems, government
dependency and lack of motivation have been as
contributors to the slacking in performance of the
homestay program in Negeri Sembilan. This is in
line with the Social Development Theory as argued
by Andriotis (2005) that the community offset the
costs and benefits of tourism development, and
support for tourism is dependent on the outcome
of cost-benefit equation gained by them in the
process of development.
Initial efforts undertaken by the government
agencies in raising awareness of the opportuni-
ties created from participation in tourism in the
early days of homestay villages, have made it as
if it is their responsibility to keep on marketing
the CBT. While the provider of homestay should
act as a business entity and carry out independ-
ently marketing efforts by themselves, not all are
successful in doing so. By failing to do so, the
high dependence on the government's efforts has
3.2 The case study: Homestay in Negeri
Within the qualitative research approach, research-
ers has chosen to study a case in order to emphasise
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