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Homestay accommodation for tourism development
in Kelantan, Malaysia
M.H. Bhuiyan
Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
A. Aman
Center for Enterpreneurship and SMEs Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Center for Advancement of Social Business (CASB), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
C. Siwar & S.M. Ismail
Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
M.F. Mohd-Jani
Center for Enterpreneurship and SMEs Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: Homestay accommodation can create a scope to the local communities for active par-
ticipation in tourism activities. The Malaysian homestay program has announced officially as a tourism
product in 1995. This accommodation provides multi ethnic life condition with cultural experiences to
tourists and economic well beings for the local people. Kelantan state is full of natural resources, unspools
beauties, beaches, recreational forests, waterfalls and cultural attractions. Homestay accommodation may
be a potential tourism and economic activities in Kelantan. The present study analyzes the potentialities
and examines the overall situations of homestay accommodation for tourism development in Kelantan.
The study used secondary data like documents, acts, regulations and policies which were collected from
reliable sources. The homestays of eight villages in Kelantan are officially registered by Ministry of Tour-
ism. The participation of local communities in homestay accommodations are increasing year by year.
Kelantan is showing backward position in guest arrivals and incomes compare to other states. Kelantan
has suitable conditions to develop homestay accommodation such as low cost, hospitality, entrepreneur-
ship development, small scale investment, treasure of tourism resources and cultural and social benefits.
The study recommended several requirements such as easy access, basic facilities, hygiene, safety and
security, proper management and promotion and lucrative packages for homestay development in Kelan-
tan. Finally, proper planning, regulations, financial allocation and managerial efficiency will be ensuring
homestay development in this state as well as well beings for local communities.
Keywords :
Homestay, tourism, development, Kelantan, Malaysia
active participation in tourism activities. It is devel-
oping relationship between local government and
communities to understand and adjust knowledge
regarding tourism activities (Saeng-Ngam, Chanta-
chon & Ritthidet, 2009). The homestay owners
have improved and developed their living standard
and economic condition through various programs
of government. Again, they are working with the
village's Development and Security Committee for
the rural development. It can attract potential visi-
tors, who can gather their knowledge and experi-
ence by their visits (Din & Mapjabil, 2010).
The Malaysian homestay program has
announced officially as a tourism product in 1995.
Homestay is contributing in tourism development
in a country or an area. Tourism segmentations
such as rural tourism, ecotourism and cultural
tourism are facing accommodation problems at
near the tourism destination. Homestay can solve
the accommodation problem for this type's tour-
ism. Local communities have active participation in
rural and cultural tourism destinations. Moreover,
eco-tourism is ensuring strong community partici-
pation in tourism activities with decrease the envi-
ronmental degradation. Homestay accommodation
can create a scope to the local communities for
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