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Figure 1.
Conceptual framework.
to achieve a behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Behavioral
intention even can be defined as revisit intention
and recommend to others as well (Bigne, et al.,
2001). The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
was widely used in many fields and disciplines and
start getting attention among the hospitality and
tourism scholars and many of them were looking
travelers revisit intention and recommendation
behavior (Baker & Crompton, 2000; Castro, Mar-
tín Armario & Martín Ruiz, 2007).
Based on the literatures and related issue high-
lighted, the conceptual framework is proposed as
in Figure 1 which is still under investigation.
The framework decomposed to facilitate first-
order investigation of the relationships between
the underlying dimensions of the pre-image for-
mation and tourism images. The second order con-
structs are to examine the relation between tourism
images and behavior intention while the third order
construct is to test the moderating effect of travel
constraint attributes and behavior intention. The
last or four order construct is to observe the rela-
tionship between pre-image formation factors and
behavior intention.
Recognizing the relationship between pre—image
formation factors, tourism images and tourists
visit intention will help industry practitioners to
understand which image should be promoted to
which market segments and help them to identify
their target market. In addition, understanding the
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