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Table 2. Comparison of students' pre and post-test
managerial competencies.
Furthermore, for pre-internship, the competencies
in which students perceived they were most confi-
dent are Understanding Self and Others, Time and
Stress Management, and Goal Setting. The com-
petencies in which they were least confident are
Presenting Ideas,
Managing Change, and Team Building. On Lik-
ert scale of 1 to 6, the students' lowest pre-internship
mean score was 4.0720 for Presenting Ideas and the
highest mean score was 4.5250 for Understanding
Self and Others. Ironically, the results are perfectly
aligned with Walo (2001). Moreover, students' pre-
internship perceived they were most competent in
the Director, Producer, and Mentor Roles whilst
least competent in the Innovator, Broker, and Mon-
itor Roles. The students' highest pre-internship
mean score was 4.4093 for Director Role and the
lowest mean score was 4.2011 for Innovator Role.
Conversely, students' post-internship mean
scores ranged from 4.7740 to 4.4880 on the Likert
scale of 1 to 6. It shows that students perceived a
relatively high level of competence for the 24-man-
agement competencies after internship. Addition-
ally, for post-internship, the competencies in which
students perceived they were most confident are
Participative Decision Making, Time and Stress
Management, and Personal Productivity and
Motivation whereas they were least confident on
Presenting Ideas, Organizing, and Creative Think-
ing. On Likert scale 1 to 6, the students' lowest
post-internship mean score was 4.488 for Present-
ing Ideas and their highest mean score was 4.7740
for Participative Decision Making. Students' post-
internship perceived they were most competent in
the Producer, Director, and Facilitator Roles. They
perceived to be least competent in the Innovator,
Monitor, and Coordinator Roles. The students'
highest post-internship mean score was 4.7053 for
the Producer Role and the lowest mean score was
4.5779 for Innovator Role.
When comparing both pre- and post-data, stu-
dents' post-internship mean scores were higher
than their pre-internship mean score for all 24
competencies. A comparison of students' pre- and
post-internship mean scores found those compe-
tencies indicating the greatest numerical difference
were Conflict Management (
0.4250), Team Build-
ing (
0.4160). The
management competencies indicating the least
numerical difference in mean scores were Under-
standing Self and Others (
0.4162), and Presenting Ideas (
0.187), Goal Setting
0.2612). In addition, the
greatest numerical difference of (
0.236), and Planning (
0.3965) occurred
in the Facilitator Role with the least numerical dif-
ference of (
0.2724) for Mentor Role. The low dif-
ference in the Mentor Role is due to a low after
internship in students' mean scores for the compe-
tency in Understanding Self and Others.
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