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324 (over 95%) were completed and met the screen-
ing requirement. The instrument which is measur-
ing the variable was adapted from Wu and Lee
(2012) and modified to fit the nature of the study.
Five items were used to measure trustworthiness
which includes the indication on information, writ-
ing style and reputation meanwhile five items also
used for purchase intention which comprises price,
picture and intention to purchase. Five points Lik-
ert scale which measuring the level of agreement
ranging from 1
Table 1. Regression analysis of blog trustworthiness
and purchase intention behavior.
Model 1
Dependent variable: Purchase intention behavior
Blog Trustworthiness
Adj. R2
strongly disagree to 5
Note : *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.
agree was applied.
readers will lead to the persuasion and influenced
their purchase decision making (Chen, 2008; Pen-
tina & Taylor, 2010). With that, besides others food
blog can be considered as one of the effective mar-
keting tools for restaurants operators to promote,
attract their potential customers and retain the
existing ones. In other word, restaurateurs should
not ignore the contribution of the food blog, but
take the necessary action of using for the benefit
of their business survival as long as developing and
maintaining the element of trust in the blog.
The descriptive statistic is used to analyze the
respondents' demographic profiles focusing on the
visitors and blog reader personal information.
4.1 Respondents profiles
31.3 percent of the respondents were males as
opposed to 68.9 percent females. The majority of
them is between 26-30 years old and still single
(58.8%). 34.6 percent of respondents are students,
followed by 32.7 percent as professional and 11.1
percent as an administrative officer. 62.1 percent
of respondents were Malay compared to 23.5 per-
cent Chinese, 13.1 percent Indian and 1.3% other
ethnics. 40.5% of the respondents are the degree
holder followed by 26 percent as Diploma holder,
23.5 percent possessed a Master degree and 6.5
percent obtained a secondary school certificate.
H1: Blog trustworthiness affects readers purchase
intention behavior
In examining the relationship between blog
trustworthiness and purchase intention behav-
ior, standard regression analysis was undertaken.
Result in Table 1 shows that there is a significant
relationship between blog trustworthiness and
purchase intention behavior. Blog trustworthiness
statistically to be as predictor to purchase inten-
tion behavior (
Some limitations pertaining to this study need to
be addressed. As this study only limits to foodserv-
ice industry specifically in Friedchillies website,
the outcomes could not be generalized sub sector
of this industry. Due to the time constraints, this
study only used a limited number of respondents.
Therefore, replication of the study using a broader
scope of the food bloggers with more number of
restaurants, variables and respondents should be
.001) as 24 percent of
the variance of blog trustworthiness influence pur-
chase intention behavior.
β =
0.49, P
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Assessing the customer purchase intention behav-
ior through the blog review result revealed that
blog trustworthiness is strongly related to readers
purchase intention behavior. This result strength-
ening the previous studies that blog reader mostly
get attracted to the products by the clarification
come from individual experience (Doyle, et al.,
2012) and the communication among the blog
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