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Magin, Algesheimer, Huber & Herrmann, 2003)
and functional congruity (Sirgy & Samli, 1985). In
destination image, Yusof, Musa and Putit (2013)
found that experiential value mediates the relation-
ship with self-congruity and behavioral intention.
The findings of this study provide several manage-
rial implications for actual self-congruity, ideal self-
congruity, and experiential value strategies in the
tourism industry. Firstly, apart from the emphasis
by many marketers on the actual self-congruity
and ideal self-congruity, experiential value initiative
cannot be undervalued. This suggests that actual
and ideal self-congruity and experiential value is
important in the tourists' experiences that were
translated into their behavioral intention. For this
reason, tourism operators have to provide the des-
tination environment that matches the actual as
well ideal image of the consumers. As shown in
the present study, more interesting features may be
an effective way to offer experiential value to the
tourists, which in turn enhances their behavioral
intention. Since the experiential value is obtained
from the exposure of the destination, the interest-
ing features of the destination with the intention
to uplift the tourists' experiential value has to con-
tinually be upgraded. Thus, the government should
consider investing in more interesting features of
the destination in order to attract tourists to come
to the country.
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