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model fit of CDL, WIL, GE and the structural
model. The structural models testing of endog-
enous variables (CDL and WIL) fulfill the GFI
It is imperative that the importance of career
development in enhancing graduate employability
after graduation such as self-awareness, opportu-
nity awareness, decision-making and transition
learning has been realized among students. By
that, it will help them to enhance their employ-
ability chances upon graduation. For that reason,
it is important for the students to take part in their
career planning by making their own career goals
and action plans to attain better career employ-
ability and employment chances in the future.
This study also can be used as a guideline for
institutions to develop a better career development
learning programs. Institutions play a big part to
ensure the level of their students through the learn-
ing outcomes especially which related to career
development. With the result of this study, uni-
versity departments especially academics staff and
career development practitioner may reflect upon
which the extent to give to their students in regards
to career learning process during their tertiary
program. Teaching and learning in the curriculum
also should be more effective to prepare graduates
to link their potential skills and knowledge to meet
demand required by employers.
Through this study, the industry also has infor-
mation regarding students' perception of internship
program so that they will know how to assist stu-
dents in meeting their internship goals better. Both
school and industry should work together closely
to develop a well-organized and quality internship
program in order to enhance the level of gradu-
ates' employability. Employers also can incorporate
career development during any work experience
by provision of career mentor; provide in-house
speaker, rotate students through a range of role, skill
development and training. The inclusion of career
development opportunities within workplace expe-
riences also can lead better matching of students
and opportunities and help students to have a clear
sense of whether they fit or not in any industry.
0.90) and RMSEA criteria (less than .08).
Based on the findings presented, it was observed
that career development learning significantly
influences graduates' employability with a fair
correlation and standardized regression weight
of 0.525 (p
.01), indicating that career develop-
ment learning significantly predicted graduates'
employability, thus supporting H1. This is consist-
ent with Watts (2008) where career development
learning able to assist students to make clear cho-
sen career path which they can develop and build
their employability and competence. Career devel-
opment learning can help to optimize the employ-
ability by raising student's awareness and how to
manage their studies and extra-curricular activi-
ties (Watts, 2008). Based on the result between
career development learning dimension which is
self/opportunities awareness and decision-making
and transition learning, it was found that self/
opportunity awareness and decision-making has
more influence on graduates' employability with
standardized regression weight of 0.780 compare
to transition learning with standardized regression
weight of 0.626. This result is also consistent with
study done by McIlveen et al. (2011) which results
of the survey indicates convergence of the career
development-learning domains of self-awareness
and opportunity awareness, but relatively less
integration of decision-making and transition
Consequently, it was observed that work inte-
grated learning significantly influences graduate
employability with a fair correlation and stand-
ardized regression weight of 0.296 (p
.01), indi-
cating that work integrated learning significantly
predicted graduates' employability, thus support-
ing H2. The result highlights that the more expo-
sure on internship training helps students to be
more aware on self-interest, abilities and value or
knowing what opportunities available and what
requirement need to be comply. They also feel that
they are able to make decision about their career
after internship training. This is in relation with
(Brooks, Cornelius, Greenfield & Joseph, 1995;
Taylor, 1988) who suggests that practical experi-
ence and exposure gained during internship pro-
gram to be helpful in improving career decision
making. Similarly, McIlveen et al. (2011) found
that self-awareness and opportunity awareness
are rated as most often present in work-integrated
Results gained might not be able to generalize to
the other sample due to the limited sampling frame
used. For future research, a bigger and more diver-
sified sample could be used from various types of
institutions. Private and public universities have
different implementation and career development
planning for their students. Since this study focuses
on one of the public university, it is worth to con-
duct and compare the result from both public and
private institution students in the future research.
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