Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Sacramento & Central
Why Go?
The Central Valley is a vast swath of golden fields, rolling hills and scenic waterways that
span 400 miles from Chico to Bakersfield. Its rich soil feeds the nation. Half the produce
in the US — and nearly every carrot, almond and asparagus spear — was grown here.
In spring, the rivers swell and the orchards bloom. In summer, vast vineyards thrive un-
der the relentless sunshine, and produce comes to market still warm from the fields. By
fall and winter, the skies mellow and migratory ducks and geese fly in for a visit. The birds
stay longer than most travelers, who tend to zip through on their way to more popular
parts, but the shady streets and stately mansions of the region's Victorian-era towns and the
uniquely scenic communities dotting the Sacramento Delta and Hwy 99, warrant more
than a glimpse through the window.
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