Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
( reservations 800-444-7275; ; tent & RV sites $35)
The popular campground has gorgeous sites tucked through the redwoods beside the Smith
Hiouchi Motel MOTEL
( 888-881-0819, 707-458-3041; ; 2097 Hwy 199; s $50, d $65-71; )
If you don't camp, try the renovated Hiouchi Motel offering clean, straightforward motel
Giant metal-cast golden bears stand sentry at the bridge across the Klamath River, announ-
cing Klamath, one of the tiny settlements that break up Redwood National & State Parks
between Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park and Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park.
With a gas station/market, diner and a casino, Klamath is basically a wide spot in the road
with some seriously great roadside kitsch at its edges. The Yurok Tribal Headquarters is in
the town center and the entire settlement and much of the surrounding area is the tribe's
ancestral land. Klamath is roughly an hour north of Eureka.
Sights & Activities
The mouth of the Klamath River is a dramatic sight. Marine, riparian, forest and meadow
ecological zones all converge and the birding is exceptional. For the best views, head
north of town to Requa Rd and the Klamath River Overlook and picnic on high bluffs
above driftwood-strewn beaches. On a clear day, this is one of the most spectacular view-
points on the North Coast, and one of the best whale-watching spots in California (this is
one of the mammal's first feeding stops as they come south from Alaska). For a good hike,
head north along the Coastal Trail . You'll have the sand to yourself at Hidden Beach ; ac-
cess the trail at the northern end of Motel Trees.
Just south of the river, on Hwy 101, the scenic Coastal Drive , a narrow, winding coun-
try road traces extremely high cliffs over the ocean. Due to erosion a 3.3 mile section of
the 9.5 mile loop (between Carruther's Cove trailhead and the intersection of the Coastal
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