Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 4.26 (A-B and E) False-water cobra ( Hydrodynastes gigas ). This large, heavy-bodied
xenodontine species is commonly maintained in private collections, and when disturbed will often
flatten its neck. It is capable of inflicting a locally painful wound. Large specimens may cause
more severe local effects. A well-documented case described notably delayed symptoms including
premature atrial contractions that were likely associated with anxiety (see text).
(E) Effects of a bite by the South American false-water cobra ( Hydrodynastes gigas ).
Large specimens of H. gigas may inflict painful bites that include moderate local edema,
as shown here (left hand). Although there are no documented cases that provide clinically
reliable evidence of systemic effects from bites by this species, large specimens have produced
relatively large volumes of Duvernoy's secretions that have strong proteolytic activity.
Therefore, these snakes should always be handled with care.
Plate 4.26A, Brazilian specimen, photo copyright to David A. Warrell; Plate 4.26B, photo
copyright to Kim McWhorter; Plate 4.26E, photo copyright to Dave Ball.
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