Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Leioheterodon madagascariensis
(Plate 4.28A-G; pictured are three
of the approximately four species
of Leioheterodon ). Madagascar
brown snake, Madagascar hognose;
2 (2)
BL (“prolonged”), E, P {Larger specimens may
be capable of inflicting a painful and edematous
local wound. To date, there is no evidence that
this pseudooxyrhophiine lamprophid can inflict
bites that cause any systemic effects such as Co}
Malina et al. (2008);
Domergue and Richaud
Leptodeira septentrionalis Northern
cat-eyed snake; falsa mapanare;
escombrera manchada; others
E, P {This single reported case featured mild,
transient local effects}
Minton (1986)
Leptodeira annulata ashmeadii
Banded cat-eyed snake; Ashmead's
banded cat-eyed snake; falsa
mapanare; dormideira; escombrera;
culebra ojo de gato, others
2 (2)
BL, E, Er, P {Limited information and
observations suggest transient, mild local effects.
Lemoine et al. (2004b) described proteolytic and
hemorrhagic acitivites present in L. a. ashmeadii
Duvernoy's secretion. They also reported
“neurotoxic disorders” in mice injected with
the secretion. Leptodeira annulata Duvernoy's
secretion had a murine s.c. minimal lethal dose of
1.0 mg (Mebs, 1968). To date, bites have caused
only the mild local effects noted above}
Gorzula (1982); Warrell
Leptophis ahaetulla Parrot snake,
Green horse-whip snake; ranera
perico; verdegallo; green machete;
3 (3)
BL, E, P, PA {Beebe (1946) reported only slight
bleeding without any significant effects after a
bite from a L. a. ahaetulla }
Zwinenberg (1977);
Minton and Mebs (1978);
Warrell (2004)
Leptophis diplotropis Pacific coast
parrot snake; ranera del litoral del
Pacifico; others
2 (2)
P, BL, PA {“Persistent stinging pain” reported}
Zweifel and Norris (1955);
Hardy and McDiarmid
(1969); Warrell (2004)
( Continued )
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