Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Evidence Rating a
Taxa Frequent, Common
Reported Effects {Comments}
Heterodon platirhinos (Plate 4.25A-
D) Eastern hognose snake; Spreading
adder; others
BL, DW, E, L, N, P {This single case resulted
from contact with the snake's open mouth while
the specimen was feigning death. The resulting
tooth punctures were not due to an actively
inflicted bite}
Grogan (1974)
Hydrodynastes ( Cyclagras , Peters
and Orejas-Miranda, 1970) gigas
(Leynaud and Bucher, 1999)
(Plate 4.26A-D) False water
cobra; Brazilian false-water cobra;
Boipevacu; Surucucu do pantanal;
4 (4)
BL, DA, E, Er, L, P, PA {See Plate 4.26E. In
the case involving a protracted bite reported
by Manning et al. (1999), a 9-h period elapsed
before the development of reported serious
symptoms (including expanding edema, “muscle
paralysis,” and “unsteady gait”). See Section
4.4 for further comments regarding this case.
Salomão et al. (2003) reported a bite without
detail. This case is not included in the tally here}
Minton and Mebs (1978);
Manning et al. (1999);
Hill and Mackessy (2000);
Malina et al. (2008)
Hypsiglena torquata texana (Plate
4.27) Texas night snake; culebra
nocturna (many others depending on
subspecies and locale)
P (limited information) {Available information
suggests only minor local effects. There are two
species in the genus Hypsiglena , and H. torquata
has approximately 17 subspecies}
Russell (1980)
Ithycyphus miniatus Madagascan
tiny night snake; Nosy Bé tiny night
snake; fandrefiala
1 (2)
BL, E, Ecc, P {Bitten finger described as
“enormously” swollen. The symptomatic case as
reported occurred after a protracted bite. A quick
release bite was reportedly unremarkable}
Mori and Mizuta (2006)
Langaha madagascariensis
Madagascar vine snake; leaf-nosed or
spear-nosed snake
E, P {Protracted bite; mild local effects. This
pseudoxyrhophiine lamprophid is reasonably
popular in private collections }
D'Cruze (2008)
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