Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Evidence Rating a
Taxa Frequent, Common
Reported Effects {Comments}
Dendrelaphis papuensis (O'Shea,
1995) ( Ahaetulla papuae , Neill,
1949) Papuan tree snake
E, Er, P {“axillary swelling”; limited information.
Available information suggests only mild,
transient local effects, and additional clinical
information is required in order to fully assess
the potential effects of bites by any of the
approximately 23 species of Dendrelaphis }
Neill (1949)
Diadophis punctatus (Plate 4.19)
Ring-neck snake; culebra de collar
(others depending on subspecies and
2 (2)
E, Er, P {Bites by this species are uncommon
and available information suggests only very
mild, transient local effects. Myers (1965)
communicated anecdotal reports of transient
“burning” effects of bites, and remarked about
the lack of reported protracted bites by this
species. Diadophis spp. likely have what may be
best termed “prey-specific venom” as it probably
has some specificity for squamate reptiles,
particularly other semi-fossorial snakes. See text}
Myers (1965); Shaw and
Campbell (1974)
Dipsadoboa aulica Marbled tree
snake, Cross-barred treesnake
P, E {Limited information}
Branch (1982)
Dispholidus typus b,d (Plate 4.20A-G)
Boomslang; Gewone boomslang; n'
dlondlo; Coracundu; others
25 (63) This is
a representative
tally of cases
selected due
to their well-
AEM, ALFT, An, ARF, CCo (DIC), H, Ep,
BG, BL, F, HA, He, HT, HUS, L, LOC, Mel, N,
OL, Sh, Thr {Several patients required dialysis
and were given repetitive transfusion of PRBC.
Reported also was blephedema, ocular hemorrhage,
and periorbital ecchymoses. Several patients
FitzSimons (1919, 1962);
Christensen (1955);
Pope (1958); Lakier and
Fritz (1969); Broadley
(1960); Spies et al. (1962);
MacKay et al. (1969);
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