Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 4.58 Wagler's snake or Merrem's snake ( Waglerophis merremi ), Brazil . Also
referred to as “mock vipers” (a common name used for a variety of species in South
America and Asia) these are large, robust, monotypic snakes that have enlarged, nongrooved,
posterior maxillary teeth. In a recent taxonomic review of the Dipsadidae, Zaher et al. (2009)
synonymized Waglerophis with Xenodon . This is a species that should be handled cautiously.
Although little documentation of bites is available, a glancing finger bite resulted in sharp
pain and freely bleeding tooth puncture wounds; however, a retrospective review reported only
mild effects (see Table 4.1 ).
Photo copyright to David A. Warrell.
Plate 4.59 (A and B) False-Fer-de-Lance; Falsa Coitara ( Xenodon neuwiedii ), Cajamar,
Brazil. The xenodontine dipsadid genus, Xenodon , contains approximately five neotropical
species. These snakes are sometimes mistaken for lance-headed vipers ( Bothrops spp.),
although their mimicry of these may be questionable.
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