Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 4.55 (A and B) Plains garter snake ( Thamnophis radix ) . Found in the central USA
and ranging into central-western Canada, this common species may be found in urban park
grounds. It often favors moist grasslands and the banks of streams, bogs, or lakes. It is a
generalist feeder, and will take leeches, earthworms, fish, frogs, and on occasion, nestling
rodents. There are no documented bites by this species.
Photos copyright to Christopher E. Smith.
Plate 4.56 (A-I) African twig, bird or vine snakes ( Thelotornis spp.). Serious envenomations
by Thelotornis spp. and D. typus cause consumptive coagulopathy, disseminated intravascular
coagulation, subsequent bleeding, and acute kidney injury. A specimen of T. kirtlandii was
maintained in a home vivarium by the prominent herpetologist, Robert F.W. Mertens. He
received a “dry bite” some weeks prior to being fatally envenomated by the same snake.
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