Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 4.39 (A and B) South American green racer ( Philodryas olfersii ). The non-front-
fanged colubroid species with the greatest number of well-documented bites in Brazil, its bite
often produces only mild-to-moderate local effects (see Section 4.1 and Table 4.1 ). However,
occasional cases may have systemic effects (e.g., extensive/widespread ecchymoses; see Plate
4.40A and B). An oft cited “fatal” case contains no documented support for such an outcome,
rather contains an anecdotal report accompanied by public health advice for the management
of colubroid bites with emphasis on potential pediatric victims (see text).
Photo copyright to David A. Warrell.
Plate 4.40 (A and B) Widespread ecchymoses from a bite by Philodryas olfersii , Instituto
Butantan, Brazil. As the bite of this species may cause extensive ecchymoses distant from
the bite site, it must be considered capable of inflicting a systemic envenomation. To date,
there are no documented cases conclusively demonstrating coagulopathy after bites by any
Philodryas spp., including P. olfersii (however, see Section 4.1 and Plate 4.41)
Photos copyright to Javier José Carrasco Araújo.
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