Environmental Engineering Reference
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outermost leaves and twigs inwards, leading to the
death of the tree over several seasons. Dieback has
been linked to the effects of acid precipitation, but
there is no conclusive proof that this is the only
factor involved. (See also Waldsterben .)
triatomic oxygen The gas ozone, in which each
molecule consists of three atoms of oxygen .
tropopause The upper boundary of the troposphere .
It varies in height from about 8 km at the poles to
16 km at the equator.
troposphere The lowest layer of the atmosphere, in
which temperatures decrease with altitude at a rate
of about 6.5°C per kilometre, to reach between-
50°C and -60°C at the tropopause.
TTAPS scenario The scenario developed to explain
the onset of nuclear winter . TTAPS is an acronym
based on the first letters of the names of the
scientists who developed the original hypothesis-
Turco, Toon, Ackerman, Pollack and Sagan.
Tu-144 A supersonic transport developed by Tupolev
in the Soviet Union in the 1970s.
damage caused by development projects in
developing nations.
upper westerlies Westerly winds that blow in the upper
atmosphere close to the tropopause in mid to high
latitudes. (See also jet streams and Rossby waves .)
Villach Conference The first of the major, modern
environmental conferences to deal with the rising
levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and
their impact on climate, held at Villach, Austria in
1985. It established an Advisory Group on
Greenhouse Gases (AGGG) to ensure that the
recommendations of the conference were followed
visible light Radiation from that part of the spectrum
to which the human eye is sensitive. Visible light
occupies a position between ultraviolet and infrared
radiation in the spectrum and varies in colour, the
shorter wavelengths being blue and the longer
wavelengths red.
vitamin D The vitamin essential for the uptake of
calcium by the human body. It is important for the
proper growth and maintenance of bone, and
insufficient vitamin D consumption can lead to
rickets, a disease which causes bones to become
prone to bending and fracturing.
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) An index for
comparing individual volcanic eruptions. It is based
on volcanological criteria such as the intensity,
dispersive power and destructive potential of the
eruption, as well as the volume of material ejected.
(See also Dust Veil Index (DVI) and Glaciological
Volcanic Index (GVI) .)
ultraviolet radiation High energy, short-wave, solar
radiation, most of which is absorbed by the ozone
layer in the stratosphere . Thinning of the ozone
layer has increased the proportion of ultraviolet
radiation reaching the earth's surface, giving rise
to fears of an increasing incidence of skin cancer
and other radiation related problems.
United Nations Conference on Desertification
(UNCOD) A conference held in Nairobi, Kenya in
1977 which established the modern approach to
the problem of desertification .
United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) An international
conference—the Earth Summit —held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, with the theme of
sustainable development, based on economically
and environmentally sound principles. (See also
Agenda 21, Global Forum and Rio
Declaration .)
United Nations Conference on the Human
Environment (UNCHE) Held in Stockholm,
Sweden in 1972, this was the first conference to
draw worldwide attention to the immensity of
environmental problems, thus ushering in the
modern era in environmental studies.
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) A
programme designed to combat the environmental
Waldsterben The destruction of the forests. A term
coined in Germany to describe the damage caused
to forests by acid rain . (See also tree dieback .)
Walker circulation A strong latitudinal circulation in
the equatorial atmosphere which contrasts with the
normal meridional circulation. It is particularly well
marked in the Pacific Ocean where it is linked with
the Southern Oscillation .
water balance A book-keeping approach to the
moisture budget. It involves the comparison of
moisture input (precipitation) and output
(evapotranspiration) to provide a value for the
net surplus or deficit of water at a specific
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