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Example 5-19. Using a reduce and a StringBuilder to pretty-print the names of artists
StringBuilder reduced =
artists . stream ()
. map ( Artist: : getName )
. reduce ( new
new StringBuilder (), ( builder , name ) -> {
iif ( builder . length () > 0 )
builder . append ( ", " );
builder . append ( name );
return builder ;
}, ( left , right ) -> left . append ( right ));
reduced . insert ( 0 , "[" );
reduced . append ( "]" );
String result = reduced . toString ();
I had hoped that last refactor would help us make the code clearer. Unfortunately, it seems to
be just as bad as before. Still, let's see what's going on. The stream and map calls are the
same as in the previous example. Our reduce operation builds up the artist names, combined
with ", " delimiters. We start with an empty StringBuilder —the identity of the reduce .
Our next lambda expression combines a name with a builder. The third argument to reduce
takes two StringBuilder instances and combines them. Our final step is to add the prefix at
the beginning and the suffix at the end.
For our next refactoring attempt, let's try and stick with reduction but hide the mess—I
mean, abstract away the details—behind a class that we'll call a StringCombiner . Imple-
menting this results in Example 5-20 .
Example 5-20. Using a reduce and a custom StringCombiner to pretty-print the names of
StringCombiner combined =
artists . stream ()
. map ( Artist: : getName )
. reduce ( new
new StringCombiner ( ", " , "[" , "]" ),
StringCombiner: : add ,
StringCombiner: : merge );
String result = combined . toString ();
Even though this looks quite different from the previous code example, it's actually doing the
exact same thing under the hood. We're using reduce in order to combine names and delim-
iters into a StringBuilder . This time, though, the logic of adding elements is being deleg-
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