Java Reference
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a primitive type and the other a boxed type. Primitive types are built into the language and
runtime environment as fundamental building blocks; boxed types are just normal Java
classes that wrap up the primitives.
Because Java generics are based around erasing a generic parameter—in other words, pre-
tending it's an instance of Object —only the boxed types can be used as generic arguments.
This is why if you want a list of integer values in Java it will always be List<Integer> and
not List<int> .
Unfortunately, because boxed types are objects, there is a memory overhead to them. For ex-
ample, although an int takes 4 bytes of memory, an Integer takes 16 bytes. This gets even
worse when you start to look at arrays of numbers, as each element of a primitive array is
just the size of the primitive, while each element of a boxed array is actually an in-memory
pointer to another object on the Java heap. In the worst case, this might make an Integer[]
take up nearly six times more memory than an int[] of the same size.
There is also a computational overhead when converting from a primitive type to a boxed
type, called boxing , and vice versa, called unboxing . For algorithms that perform lots of nu-
merical operations, the cost of boxing and unboxing combined with the additional memory
bandwidth used by allocated boxed objects can make the code significantly slower.
As a consequence of these performance overheads, the streams library differentiates between
the primitive and boxed versions of some library functions. The mapToLong higher-order
function and ToLongFunction , shown in Figure 4-1 , are examples of this effort. Only the
int , long , and double types have been chosen as the focus of the primitive specialization
implementation in Java 8 because the impact is most noticeable in numerical algorithms.
Figure 4-1. ToLongFunction
The primitive specializations have a very clear-cut naming convention. If the return type is a
primitive, the interface is prefixed with To and the primitive type, as in ToLongFunction
(shown in Figure 4-1 ). If the argument type is a primitive type, the name prefix is just the
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