Java Reference
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4. We use collect(toList()) to put together a list of these nationalities.
When we put everything together, it ends up like this:
Set < String > origins = album . getMusicians ()
. filter ( artist -> artist . getName (). startsWith ( "The" ))
. map ( artist -> artist . getNationality ())
. collect ( toSet ());
This example shows the idiom of chaining operations a bit more clearly. The calls to musi-
cians , filter , and map all return Stream objects, so they are lazy, while the collect meth-
od is eager. The map method is another function that takes just a lambda and whose purpose
is to apply the function to every element in the Stream , returning a new Stream .
Our domain class here is actually quite convenient for us, in that it returns a Stream when we
want to get a list of the musicians on our album. In your existing domain classes, you prob-
ably don't have a method that returns streams—you return existing collection classes such as
List or Set . This is OK; all you need to do is call the stream method on your List or Set .
Now is probably a good time to think about whether you really want to expose List and Set
objects in your domain model, though. Perhaps a Stream factory would be a better choice.
The big win of only exposing collections via Stream is that it better encapsulates your do-
main model's data structure. It's impossible for any use of your domain classes to affect the
inner workings of your List or Set simply by exposing a Stream .
It also encourages users of your domain class to write code in a more modern Java 8 style.
It's possible to incrementally refactor to this style by keeping your existing getters and
adding new Stream -returning getters. Over time, you can rewrite your legacy code until
you've finally deleted all getters that return a List or Set . This kind of refactoring feels
really good once you've cleared out all the legacy code!
Refactoring Legacy Code
Having talked a bit about refactoring already, let's look at an example of some legacy collec-
tions code that uses loops to perform a task and iteratively refactor it into a stream-based im-
plementation. At each step of the refactor, the code continues to pass its tests, though you'll
either have to trust me on that one or test it yourself!
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