Java Reference
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Figure 2-2. The Predicate interface diagram, generating a boolean from an Object
Let's look at another, slightly more complex functional interface example: the BinaryOper-
ator interface, which is shown in Example 2-13 . This interface takes two arguments and re-
turns a value, all of which are the same type. In the code example we've used, this type is
Long .
Example 2-13. A more complex type inference example
BinaryOperator < Long > addLongs = ( x , y ) -> x + y ;
The inference is smart, but if it doesn't have enough information, it won't be able to make
the right decision. In these cases, instead of making a wild guess it'll just stop what it's doing
and ask for help in the form of a compile error. For example, if we remove some of the type
information from the previous example, we get the code in Example 2-14 .
Example 2-14. Code doesn't compile due to missing generics
BinaryOperator add = ( x , y ) -> x + y ;
This code results in the following error message:
Operator '&#x002B;' cannot be applied to java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object.
That looks messy: what is going on here? Remember that BinaryOperator was a functional
interface that had a generic argument. The argument is used as the type of both arguments, x
and y , and also for its return type. In our code example, we didn't give any generics to our
add variable. It's the very definition of a raw type. Consequently, our compiler thinks that its
arguments and return values are all instances of java.lang.Object .
We will return to the topic of type inference and its interaction with method overloading in
Overload Resolution , but there's no need to understand more detail until then.
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