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Chapter 9. Lambda-Enabled
I've already talked a bit about data parallelism, but in this chapter I'm going to cover how we
can use lambda expressions to write concurrent applications that efficiently perform message
passing and nonblocking I/O.
Some of the examples in this chapter are written using the Vert.x and RxJava frameworks.
The principles are more general, though, and can be used in other frameworks and in your
own code without you necessarily needing frameworks at all.
Why Use Nonblocking I/O?
When I introduced parallelism, I talked a lot about trying to use a lot of cores efficiently.
That approach is really helpful, but when trying to process a lot of data, it's not the only
threading model that you might want to use.
Let's suppose you're trying to write a chat service that handles a very high number of users.
Every time a user connects to your service, a TCP connection to your server is opened. If you
follow a traditional threading model, every time you want to write some data to your user,
you would call a method that sends the user the data. This method call would block the
thread that you're running on.
This approach to I/O, called blocking I/O , is fairly common and fairly easy to understand be-
cause the interaction with users follows a normal sequential flow of control through your
program. The downside is that when you start looking at scaling your system to a significant
number of users, you need to start a significant number of threads on your server in order to
service them. That approach just doesn't scale well.
Nonblocking I/O —or, as it's sometimes called, asynchronous I/O —can be used to process
many concurrent network connections without having an individual thread service each con-
nection. Unlike with blocking I/O, the methods to read and write data to your chat clients re-
turn immediately. The actual I/O processing is happening in a separate thread, and you are
free to perform some useful work in the meantime. How you choose to use these saved CPU
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