Java Reference
In-Depth Information
I appreciate that if you're not familiar with JavaScript, this may seem confusing. We will be
going through the concepts at a gentler pace as we build a Java 8 equivalent next. Just re-
member that the syntax for a lambda expression in JavaScript is function() { … } .
Let's take a look at each of the concepts in turn:
▪ Each spec describes a single behavior that your program exhibits.
▪ An expectation is a way of describing the behavior of the application. You will find ex-
pectations in specs.
▪ Groups of specs are combined into a suite .
Each of these concepts has an equivalent in a traditional testing framework, such as JUnit. A
spec is similar to a test method, an expectation is similar to an assertion, and a suite is similar
to a test class.
A DSL in Java
Let's look at an example of what we're aiming for with our Java-based BDD framework.
Example 8-28 is a specification of some of the behaviors of a Stack .
Example 8-28. Some stories to specify a Stack
public class
class StackSpec
StackSpec {{
describe ( "a stack" , it -> {
it . should ( "be empty when created" , expect -> {
expect . that ( new
new Stack ()). isEmpty ();
it . should ( "push new elements onto the top of the stack" , expect -> {
Stack < Integer > stack = new
new Stack <>();
stack . push ( 1 );
expect . that ( stack . get ( 0 )). isEqualTo ( 1 );
it . should ( "pop the last element pushed onto the stack" , expect -> {
Stack < Integer > stack = new
new Stack <>();
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