Java Reference
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Example 8-11. Using the zip algorithm to compress data
public class
class ZipCompressionStrategy
ZipCompressionStrategy implements
implements CompressionStrategy {
public OutputStream compress ( OutputStream data ) throws
throws IOException {
return new
new ZipOutputStream ( data );
Now we can implement our Compressor class, which is the context in which we use our
strategy. This has a compress method on it that takes input and output files and writes a
compressed version of the input file to the output file. It takes the CompressionStrategy as
a constructor parameter that its calling code can use to make a runtime choice as to which
compression strategy to useā€”for example, getting user input that would make the decision
(see Example 8-12 ) .
Example 8-12. Our compressor is provided with a compression strategy at construction time
public class
class Compressor
Compressor {
private final
final CompressionStrategy strategy ;
public Compressor ( CompressionStrategy strategy ) {
this . strategy = strategy ;
public void
void compress ( Path inFile , File outFile ) throws
throws IOException {
try ( OutputStream outStream = new
new FileOutputStream ( outFile )) {
Files . copy ( inFile , strategy . compress ( outStream ));
If we have a traditional implementation of the strategy pattern, then we can write client code
that creates a new Compressor with whichever strategy we want ( Example 8-13 ) .
Example 8-13. Instantiating the Compressor using concrete strategy classes
Compressor gzipCompressor = new
new Compressor ( new
new GzipCompressionStrategy ());
gzipCompressor . compress ( inFile , outFile );
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