Java Reference
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Figure 8-1. The command pattern
Let's look at a concrete example of the command pattern and see how it improves with
lambda expressions. Suppose we have a GUI Editor component that has actions upon it that
we'll be calling, such as open or save , like in Example 8-1 . We want to implement macro
functionality—that is, a series of operations that can be recorded and then run later as a
single operation. This is our receiver.
Example 8-1. Common functions a text editor may have
public interface
interface Editor
Editor {
public void
void save ();
public void
void open ();
public void
void close ();
In this example, each of the operations, such as open and save , are commands. We need a
generic command interface to fit these different operations into. I'll call this interface Ac-
tion , as it represents performing a single action within our domain. This is the interface that
all our command objects implement ( Example 8-2 ).
Example 8-2. All our actions implement the Action interface
public interface
interface Action
Action {
public void
void perform ();
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