Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Example Domain
Throughout the topic, examples are structured around a common problem domain: music.
Specifically, the examples represent the kind of information you might see on albums. Here's
a brief summary of the terms:
An individual or group who creates music
name : The name of the artist (e.g., “The Beatles”)
members : A set of other artists who comprise this group (e.g., “John Lennon”); this
field might be empty
origin : The primary location of origin of the group (e.g., “Liverpool”).
A single piece of music
name : The name of the track (e.g., “Yellow Submarine”)
A single release of music, comprising several tracks
name : The name of the album (e.g., “Revolver”)
tracks : A list of tracks
musicians : A list of artists who helped create the music on this album
This domain is used to illustrate how to use functional programming techniques within a nor-
mal business domain or Java application. You may not consider it the perfect example sub-
ject, but it's simple, and many of the code examples in this topic will bear similarity to those
that you may see in your business domain.
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