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3 The Algorithm and Complexity Analysis
3.1 Graph Theory Notation and Terminology
Let Σ be the set of the alphabets appearing in the key words which includes
the special symbol “
” as the space character.
be a set of text documents for pattern de-
tection. Each document D i is a sequence d i, 0 ···
D 1 , D 2 ,
, D n }
d i,t i consisting of alphabets
from the set Σ , where the first and the last character d i, 0 = d i,t i =
, t i +1
is the length of the document D i .
K 1 , K 2 ,
, K m }
be the set of selected keywords. For each
keyword K i = k i, 0 ···
k i,s i , the first and the last character k i, 0 = k i,s i
s i + 1 is the length of the keyword K i .
Let G =( V, A ) be a directed graph with vertex set V and arc set A .
N + ( v ) is the set of all out-neighbors of the vertex v .Thatis, N + ( v )=
N ( v ) is the set of all in-neighbors of the vertex v .Thatis, N ( v )=
V ( G ): vu
A ( G )
V ( G ): uv
A ( G )
Σ be a labeling of A ( G ). L + ( v )=
N + ( v )
Let L : A ( G )
l ( vu ): u
3.2 Construction of Searching Tree
For the purpose of finding keywords eciently, we use the following algorithm
to set up a searching tree for keyword searching.
3.2.1 Algorithm
K 1 , K 2 ,
, K m }
: a set of keywords.
Output. A rooted tree (called “searching tree”) T : T has a root v 0 and
m leaves. Each of the leaf represents a keyword; each arc of T is labeled
with a character
Σ ; for each leaf v ,let P be the unique directed path
from the root v 0 to v , the sequence of labels along the path P coincides
with characters of the keywords K . (Figure 4 gives a simple example of a
searching tree. )
Initial step. T has a root v 0 and a vertex v 1 , and an arc v 0 v 1 with the label
L ( v 0 v 1 )=
1: i is the keyword index (current keyword K i
= k i, 0 ···
k i,s i
that is
under processing, k i, 0 = k i,s i =
, s i + 1 is the length of the keyword K i .)
1: λ is the level index (the character k i,λ is currently under processing,
and λ is also current level of the tree that is under construction).
v 1 : (the current vertex whose out-neighborhood is under construc-
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