Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Ultrasounds (Vila et al.
2002 ; Perez et al.
2001 ; Freitas
et al. 2005 )
An ultrasound probe is used to mix together the oil and water
phases of the emulsion.
Extrusion through
porous materials
and Fessi 2005 )
The polymer and drug containing phase is extruded through a
porous membrane into the continuous phase placed on the other
side of the membrane.
Although this method is suitable to prepare simple emulsions,
double emulsions can also be prepared from simple emulsions
extruded into a new continuous phase.
Microfluidic systems
(Abate and Weitz
2009 )
The two phases are mixed together through a well organized
circulation in a microfluidic device composed of nanochannels.
Emulsion droplets of well define diameter are formed.
This method is suitable to produce double emulsion by adding
more channel in the microfluidic device.
Co-solvent assisted
Ouzo effect (Vitale
and Katz 2003 ;
Ganachaud and Katz
2005 )
The polymer, the drug and a small amount of oil are dissolved in
an organic solvent miscible with water. By mixing this organic
phase with water under gentle conditions, oil droplets form
while the solvent diffuses in the aqueous phase.
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