Biomedical Engineering Reference
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appeared on the market. From our point of view, the nanocrystals have clear
advantages compared to many of the “academic” nanocarriers presently under
development. These are besides others accepted status of excipients, well tolerable
(NCS class I/III), easy and cost-effective large scale production, proven make-ability
of products. Tricor ® is the first nano block buster, making the nanocrystals to the
most successful nanotechnology by now.
The next steps will be to combine sophisticated targeting approaches with the
nanocrystals as carrier and to exploit much more the opportunities in controlled
intracellular delivery.
Acknowledgement The authors thank Abbott GmbH und Ko. KG and its drug delivery company
Soliqs/Ludwigshafen in Germany for the kind permission to reproduce the NanoMorph picture in
Fig. 1 , right.
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