Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 9 Transient components in the complete model and in the individual mechanisms
Effect of Pulse Size on the Drug Delivery
The amount of the drug, i.e. the size of the injection is an important parameter to
be considered. The knowledge of the feasible amount of drug will help to plan the
medication strategy in another spatial and time scale.
In the following two series of Figures we compare the dynamically interesting
periods of three models, as follows:
baseline model: upper diagrams,
model with less drug injection: lower left diagram,
model with more drug injection: lower right diagram.
Please note that there are magnitude differences in the amount (ordinate) scales
of the four diagrams.
In Fig. 10 we see, that all injections are delivered almost with the same percent-
age, only the delivery time changes asymmetrically, because of the simultaneous
change of driving forces.
Figure 11 shows similar non-linearity. Having increased the injected drug, slow
degradation causes longer tailing of the curves.
The change of the nanovehicle components is in good accordance with the
injected amounts.
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