Hardware Reference
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In “About the Diagrams” , we introduced Fritzing as a useful tool for drawing block dia-
grams. Fritzing can also do circuit schematics and printed-circuit layout. For example, Fig-
ure 9-9 shows a block diagram for a simple robot controller ( quickBot.fzz is the name of the
Fritzing file used to create the diagram).
Figure 9-9. A simple robot controller diagram (quickBot.fzz)
The controller has an H-bridge to drive two DC motors ( Recipe 4.3 ), an IR range sensor,
and two headers for attaching analog encoders for the motors. Both the IR sensor and the
encoders have analog outputs that exceed 1.8 V, so each is run through a voltage divider
(two resistors) to scale the voltage to the correct range (see Recipe 2.6 for a voltage divider
Figure 9-10 shows the schematic automatically generated by Fritzing. It's a mess. It's up to
you to fix it.
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